
The Dixie Grammar School

Charity No. 1062658

Welcome to the Dixie Grammar School PTA website.

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a charity run alongside the school, operated by volunteer parents and teachers, who work together to support the school in making a better environment for our children to learn.
We work to raise extra funds through various fun activities and events as well as giving back “the smaller things” to the children throughout the year.

All parents are automatically members of the PTA upon joining the school and are very welcome to take part in meetings and help with fundraising events.

The Thrifty Shop has been a valuable source of income for the PTA and we hope the online shop will make purchasing an easier process, all clothing is clean and of good to excellent condition.


We Kindly request donated uniform for selling to be handed to the Junior School office


June 29th – Dixie Do Ball


Through the Generosity of Dixie Parents and Staff our Christmas Bazaar raised an amazing £1,185.

Throughout 2022 the PTA funded:

Fathers Day chocolates

Mothers Day flowers

Theatre trip ice cream

DryRobes for PE staff

Books from Santa

Santa’s grotto

Easter eggs

Year 5 leavers prom

Year 5 leavers books

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